I doodle. I design. I daydream. For better or worse, this is the evidence.

All of the pieces of art, projects, and photography are my original work.

Sun Spot Solidarity

Sun Spot Solidarity
72" x 120" oil, acrylic and latex paints on canvas

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Friday, September 21, 2012

OMA Rem Koolhaas - Seattle Public Library

OMA Rem Koolhass
Seattle Public Library 

The iconic design standard set forth by Rem Koolhaas landed the Seattle Public Library Central Location #108 on the AIA's list of Americans' top 150 favorite structures in the United States. Rightfully so, this structure baffles the mind both inside and out. Koolhaas pushed the limits of technology, prefabrication, design, program, and the definition of the library as it morphs more each day to a more digital platform for the future and preserver of more prized, rare books of the past. The 11 story structure is nearly 400,000 square feet library space. Second time in a Koolhaas building, and still amazed. 

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