I doodle. I design. I daydream. For better or worse, this is the evidence.

All of the pieces of art, projects, and photography are my original work.

Sun Spot Solidarity

Sun Spot Solidarity
72" x 120" oil, acrylic and latex paints on canvas

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Monday, August 13, 2012


Cordoba Provence, Argentina

While living in Santa Fe, the other exchange students and I decided to take a weekend trip to Cordoba. Cordoba is the second largest city in Argentina and the capital of the Cordoba Provence which is centrally located within Argentina. The city was founded in 1573 as one of the first Spanish colonies in the area and was named after Cordoba, Spain. Cordoba has become a major player in the arts and education within Argentina. Home to some of the best museums, history, architecture, art, and universities, Cordoba attracts some of the brightest and youngest minds Argentina has to offer.  Although a large city strategically placed within the mountains, the cozy hills and mountain range hug the city and allow great views and more architectural variety and more unique parks. While in Cordoba, we also took a day trip to Capilla del Monte and got off the well beaten concrete path of the city. It was a nice breather from the concrete jungle. 

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