I doodle. I design. I daydream. For better or worse, this is the evidence.

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Sun Spot Solidarity

Sun Spot Solidarity
72" x 120" oil, acrylic and latex paints on canvas

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2012 AIA Architectural Photography Competition

2012 AIA Architectural Photography Competition
Sponsored by the St. Louis Chapter of the AIA

I entered the 2012 AIA National Photography Competition by recommendation of my sister who also studies architecture but at Virginia Tech. This year's theme "Architecture from Around the World", captured my attention but seemed daunting as I have not travelled outside the U.S. other than Mexico. 

The jury met and has now notified the photographers of the fourteen top award winning images. I was the top winning submission for the Judges Special Commendation Awards after the top three award winners and the Fuller Award. How neat is that?!

My winning image will be in the AIA National Calendar for the coming year and will be on display in a special exhibit with the other 13 winning images at the AIA National Convention in Washington, D.C. this May. Images from the 2012 competition will also be used to publish the 2014 Rizzoli Architecture engagement Calendar. So there is still another chance to win and be published again, but those decisions will not be made until later this year. 

I took this image late last year while in Chicago for the Open House Chicago hosted by the Chicago Architectural Foundation. This photo was taken in the atrium of the James R. Thompson Center (100 W Randolph Street in the Loop of Chicago) which now houses government offices for the state of Illinois. For more information about this trip please visit the University of Utah CAP Student Blog to read my previous article: Architectural Speed Dating


  1. Gorgeous photo! We're honored that you took your award-winning photo during our Open House Chicago event. We hope to see you back taking more extraordinary pictures during OHC2012 this coming October.


    New Media Manager
    Chicago Architecture Foundation

  2. Check out these links to see the other winning photos from this year's AIA Photo Competition sponsored by the AIA St. Louis that will be published in the 2014 Rizzoli Calendar!


